Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Baby pumpkin recipe

baby pumpkin recipe
Pumpkin porridge

A very easy and yummy baby pumpkin recipe! Compared with many other vegetables pumpkin has relatively little calories but contains a very high amount of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for good visual sight. Other vitamins that can be found in a pumpkin are vitamin C and vitamin E. It is also rich of antioxidants like beta-carotene and minerals like iron, zinc, copper, or potassium.

age: above 6 months


- 2 tablespoons of Rice. As always, my choice of rice is Jasmine Rice from Rice Select. This is a very tasty rice with a nice texture.

- 1-2 tablespoons or 30g of Millet. I like to use Millet from Bob's Red Mill because of it's good quality and nice flavor.

- water about 1.5 cups / 400 ml (depending on the type of rice you are using, some rice needs more water and some needs less)

- pumpkin/ butternut squash 50g chopped into small cubes

How to cook:

1. Use a pot or Rice Cooker to cook rice, millet and pumpkin cubes until they are soft. IF you are looking for a Rice Cooker I would recommend you to take a look at Aroma's 8-Cup model. It is very easy to use and comes at a good price. Depending on whether you are using a rice cooker or a pot cooking time lies between 1-2 hours.


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